Hi bitches!
Well, Iv got my period and as always I have horrible cramps, so Im in bed with nothing to do so (other than wait for my pain killers to kick in!)… Im writing a blog! 🙂
So… lets start with that unnameable zero that I spoke about a few blog posts back… the real sac of garbage that Iv long blocked and forgot about. Well this is one time Im glad I gave someone a chance to pay their sins away. Usually losers like him who have bad reputations never really change but this time Iv been bleeding him steady! haha Sometimes he tries to revert back to his old ways but I always help him see things my way pretty quick. Usually he’s ordered to take care of $200 and $400 tributes a couple times a day or through out the week. I feel like Im doing a good deed making him pay like this… you know? Like, giving the loser what he really deserves haha 🙂 #yourewelcome!
haha best niteflirt call last night was from this mega loser jtwist! He’s so funny by trying to analyze things and debate reason and logic, but hes got the most simple little mind lol So, its easy peasy cherry pie to just ridicule him into total loser oblivion. I would cackle so loudly at the things he would say out of almost amazement at how much of a zero he was lolol
My fav part of the call was when we were talking about all the ways he sucks and I told him if he just does what I say and drinks half of his beer he’ll be a little less loser. lol After he drank his beer I rewarded him by telling him by staying drunk ad doing what I say he just went from a -5 to a -4!!! We LOLd once he realized I had rated him in integers because fucking sucks so bad! haha
He called back for a second & 3rd time after talking for about 40 minutes… #addictive! Too bad for him I was too busy to talk to him but Iv emailed nerd boy this morning to tell him to all back so, he better call back with his tribute ready!
Oh, the members area progress is coming along… Im kinda taking my sweet ass time about it but haha but whats new?! 😉 I finally got a semi decent graphic made which Ill add on the tour sidebar, then add some new clips & assignments… That should be enough to keep the existing members quiet and make me feel productive! lol
On that note… notice how many webmaster/design slaves their REALLY are??? almost none… most of you are too stupid to do the things that are needed most, which many of us do. haha In fact I dont even respond to “graphics slaves” anymore. They do the worst graphic work Iv ever seen. You wonder why the hell they think you would use their ugly graphic when your existing ones are WAY better?!?!
See men, you’re only good for your wallets! 🙂
Another past slave who wont have his name mentioned but would be known very well, who somewhat pissed off on bad terms, came slithering back the other day. It cost him $400 to be allowed to talk to me which on second thought should have been double to fix my out of joint pretty nose! We played a bit of catch up and should be on cam today when his wife fucks off!
A few of you have mentioned stuff about my dental saga… Which is not over with yet. Im happy so far though and even though its all cosmetic at this point… oMfG its still not fun at all! Needles, drills, buffers, laser gum line reshaping, this that non stop imprints and appointments. lol Which has evolved into me getting invisalign on my bottom teeth over veneers or metal braces!
Im only half happy with the results because now all I notice are my crooked bottom teeth lol but those will be straightened with invisalign in the course of a year!
Whats next? I think My tits are next on the To Do list! Iv been saying that forever but Im just doing stuff the past year so why not just get them fkin done!?
edger and scott have been making little appearances in my transaction list butt… I think they could be doing way better, in fact as xmas approaches… everyone needs to kick up the spending and spoiling!
All typed out… ta ta, slaves!
- $500 to my bank!
- awesome sweater
- HOT Rebecca Minkoff bag
- Sweaty, Gucci perfume & true religion sweats
- Badgley Mischka pumps
- Badgley Mischka pumps & true religion denim
- some tribute screenshots
- expensive clothes & a wig & bra
- bcbgmax skirt