Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastEmail *What is your current home address? *Including, city, state, Country.What are the usernames of your top 3 most used social media accounts? *paste in links and platforms with username.Favourite fetish vibe of the choices? *MEAN HumiliationLight & BossyFinancial AbuseWhat is the name of your current employer? *What is your employer's address and your job title there? *Explain your situation.Are you in a relationship? If so, what is their name? *What is the name of the bank you primarily use? *What is the make, model and license plate number of your vehicle? *What are the last 4 digits of your social security number? *What is your annual income? *Have you ever engaged in illegal activities? Provide details. *Give me all details even the ones to use over you if wanted.Have you ever sucked cock before? *oncenoMore than twiceList 3 of your favorite fetishes, kinks or sexual fantasies. *What is the most taboo or unconventional sex act you've participated in? *How often do you watch porn and what are your top 3 categories? *Have you ever hired a sex worker? If so, provide details of the encounter. *Explain in detail how you accept all responsibility for blackmail exchanges between you and Princess Mindy/Mindy Madison and that you are seeking financial blackmail. * – accounts? number? ENTER 4 DIGIT NUMBER IN THE BOX BELOW AND ADD THAT SAME NUMBER INTO THE BODY OF THE EMIAL WITH YOUR PICS. *It’s time to email me your pics… Pick any 4 digits as an identifying number so I know which pics belong to youEmail me a picture of your ID, a face photo & full body pic. (email – confirm you have just sent pics now! *Yes, i have sent requested picsI sent $500 instead of those picsWhich platform did you send on?If you chose to send Me $500 instead of those photos, which platform did you send on?What is your cell phone number? *On a scale of one to ten, how sexually aroused and weak does the idea of real blackmail get you? *Wife/GF gift amount? *How much are you spending on your wife or gf this Christmas?Did you put much thought into her gift? *None, just whateverhalf assed effort Choicewant to make her happy/great effortThis is Christmas blackmail where you will be used for money and entertainment… Explain how ypu desire to have Me, Mindy Madison, fuck over your Christmas with My demands: *What about ME makes you most weak? *Physical, personality traits, or anything else…Submit